
Tweetup Networking event #TCampEU


We invite all developers and diplomats, EU civil servants and activists, journalists and other open data enthusiasts to join us for an informal Tweetup Networking event on Thursday 2nd February in Brussels. This tweetup event is a follow-up event to last year’s TransparencyCamp Europe App Competition and Diplohack Brussels, both organised by the Dutch EU

Wrapping up the first TransparencyCamp Europe!


Dear TCampers, It’s been more than a week since we all participated in the first European TransparencyCamp and we can proudly look back on this wonderful day! We consider this event to be a milestone in the European transparency movement. For the first time in such numbers, European activists and government officials came together to

Winners of the App Competition


All across Europe dozens of teams have created applications using European Union open datasets, coming either from local, national or supranational government bodies. Thirty teams submitted an application for the online App Competition which took place from early January till May 1. Five teams were nominated to pitch their application at the TCampEU Unconference on

Unconference speakers, programme and side events


TransparencyCamp Europe is right around the corner on 1 June! If you haven’t registered yet, make sure you get your tickets here! Open State Foundation is excited to host the open government community here in Amsterdam and talk about how open data, technology and civic engagement can be used to make Europe more transparent. Who

Unconference side events on May 31


On May 31, the day before the Unconference, there will be two side events which you can attend if you’re already in Amsterdam. TCampEU Pre-camp: decision-making in the eu needs to become more transparent, enjoy talks by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Arjan El Fassed (CEO Open State Foundation) between 19:00 and 20:00

Open Data Barometer: How does the EU score?


Today the third edition of the global Open Data Barometer was released by the World Wide Web Foundation. 92 countries and their open data availability were examined. According to the World Wide Web Foundation over half of the studied countries have open data initiatives. But less than 10 percent of government data is open. Our

Local events across Europe


Several local events will be organized across Europe, initiated by the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with Embassies of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. They aim at increasing transparency in the European Union through the use of EU open data, just like the TransparencyCamp Europe App Competition and Unconference.

TransparencyCamp Europe comes to Amsterdam


Developers, government officials, journalists and activists from all over Europe will shine their light on EU decision making and open government as TransparencyCamp Europe comes to Amsterdam. Today, Open State Foundation together with the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union launch a series of events: an online European-wide open data app competition,

Happy Open Data Day


On 5 March 2016, it’s Open Data Day. In various cities around the world, people gather to build applications, liberate data, create visualizations and publish analyses using open public data to show support for and encourage the adoption of open data policies by governments. Meetups and hackathons Also in Europe meetups and hackathons take place

A DiploHack organized by the Dutch embassy in Albania


A blog by Nori Spauwen, intern at the embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania. The embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania organized a DiploHack in the light of our Dutch EU presidency. The theme of the hackathon, that was the first of a series organised by Dutch embassies in

Ask Koenders Anything


On Monday 8 February, the Dutch minister of foreign affairs Mr Bert Koenders will respond to questions from the public on social media forum Reddit. It will be the first time a Dutch minister answers questions through Reddit’s ‘Ask Me Anything’ (AMA) format. Various international politicians and entrepreneurs such as Barack Obama and Bill Gates


Diplohack Athens opens up black box of Europe!


Last weekend the first-ever Diplohack of Greece was held in Athens. Supported by the Embassy of Ireland, the Netherlands Embassy in Athens organized this event together with the local Impact Hub, in context of the Netherlands’ Presidency of the EU Council. During the event journalists, diplomats, programmers, creative thinkers and enthusiast civil society representatives gathered,

Who is who in EU institutions?


If you are making an application which makes the European Union more transparent, then you might want to incorporate information about its institutions, who work there and how your users can contact them. This information is available at the EU Whoiswho website, but this data is not easily reusable. That is why we scraped it

Let’s have a look at the EU’s financial data


Crawling through information on EU budgets, finances, funds, contracts and beneficiaries, you’ll notice there is much room for improvement. Let’s have a look at financial data of the European Union. The Budget of the European Union Let’s start with the budget. The budgets of 2013, 2014 and 2015 can be retrieved as open datasets in

Transparent EU decision-making


Decision-making in the EU needs to become way more transparent. Still, there is already quite some open data available, differing in quality and ease of use. We challenge you to take this data and combine it with other sources to create innovative tools which increase transparency, improve ease of use and show the value of

A taste of EU open datasets


So you want to participate in the App Competition! Chances are that you have visited the European Data Portal and were overwhelmed with the roughly 400.000 available datasets. In other datablogs we will delve into the available EU decision-making and financial data, but in this datablog we will take a look at two of the

An easy way to find European open data


With the TransparencyCamp Europe App Competition we call on developers and data crunchers to create, develop and submit web applications, mobile apps or online tools that utilise public sector information and open data to benefit people. The coming months, we’re posting a number of datablogs to help you find the data you need and are

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