On May 31, the day before the Unconference, there will be two side events which you can attend if you’re already in Amsterdam.
TCampEU Pre-camp: decision-making in the eu needs to become more transparent, enjoy talks by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Arjan El Fassed (CEO Open State Foundation) between 19:00 and 20:00 with drinks and socializing afterwards! The nominees from the online App Competition together with the winners of the local events across Europe will be there as well as they prepared their pitches for the Unconference earlier that day.

Open Contracting: training and workshop, during 10:00-17:00 take part in an interactive training workshop followed by presentations and discussions on open contracting! In the morning there is an interactive training workshop, introducing the basics of Open Contracting, details of the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS), and how to promote disclosure and participation at every stage of the contracting process. In the afternoon, presentations and discussions exploring the ways in which groups across Europe are making contracting data more accessible and more impactful.