App Competition

Open data can improve the lives of Europeans on a daily basis, from traffic management to more transparent EU decision-making. If we want the public to profit from this data, we need apps that turn data into functional and accessible and understandable tools.
The App Competition challenges developers, designers, and entrepreneurs to use their imagination and build apps that unlock the power of EU open data. Participating will not only help create a better world, but will give you the chance to win a trip to Sunlight Foundation’s TransparencyCamp in Washington DC, USA.
You can participate by either:
- building an application that improves transparency and opens the black box of EU decision-making by using an EU open data set,
- by submitting apps that use European open data (e.g. on mobility, public health, education or the environment) to improve the every day lives of Europeans, or
- an app that does both
What can you win?
The winner of the App Competition will receive a two-night stay in and flights to Washington DC and tickets to Sunlight Foundation’s TransparencyCamp in Washington DC, September 10th.
First, second and third-placed entries will also be awarded a special ‘Transparency Trip’ to Brussels. In Brussels you will visit several EU institutions where you will be able to pitch to and discuss your application with a select group of data managers of European institutions.
More details about these prizes can be found in the terms and conditions.
Work with European open data
This online European open data app competition is initiated by Open State Foundation and the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Hundreds of thousands of open datasets are available to you; take a look at the European Data Portal. The goal? An open and transparent European Union.
Work with at least one European Union open dataset, coming either from local, national or supranational government bodies. Whether you combine this data with any other datasets or not is up to you.
We encourage you to build apps that increase transparency of EU decision-making, but you’re free to submit apps that use open datasets for other objectives, such as improved mobility, public health, education or the environment.
Don’t forget to read our Datablogs. They are full of inspiring ideas and show which great datasets are available and how to find them. Currently you can read about EU decision-making, financial transparency and two blogs about EU open data in general.
Our App Competition jury will consist of a wide variety of Europeans with a keen eye for creative solutions. They will pay extra attention to:
- innovative use of open data
- applications of data that improve the interconnectedness within Europe
- applications or tools that combine the open data from different European countries
Submit your app or tool by using the App Competition form. The deadline is 1 May 2016. From all submissions, five nominees will be selected and receive tickets to come to Amsterdam (already a prize in itself!). They will be joined by the winners of the local events held across Europe. At the TransparencyCamp Europe Unconference, June 1 in Amsterdam, all these nominees will pitch their apps before a jury and the overall winner, second and third place will be announced.
Make sure you read the terms and conditions for more details!