If you are making an application which makes the European Union more transparent, then you might want to incorporate information about its institutions, who work there and how your users can contact them. This information is available at the EU Whoiswho website, but this data is not easily reusable. That is why we scraped it and now make it available to you on GitHub as CSV and JSON (20 MB; might take a few seconds to load)!
45,279 job titles from EU institutions
EU institutions like the European Parliament, European Council and the European Commission, but also the European Central Bank and CURIA (Court of Justice of the European Union). For each title it shows the names of the persons currently holding them. Where available you also see their email address, telephone/fax number and website URL (though they sometimes just list the numbers/email/URL of their department).All job titles are structured in a ‘hierarchy‘. For example the title of ‘Head of Division’ in the hierarchy ‘EIB — European Investment Bank | Risk Management Directorate | Financial Risk | Derivatives’ shows which person within the European Investment Bank is Head of Division for the Derivatives department.
Committees, departments, members
Those 45,279 job titles are taken by nearly 39,000 people as some of them hold multiple job titles. E.g., members of the European Parliament (MEPs) work in several committees. MEPs are also listed once more showing to which political group they belong. For example, the chair of the Christian Democrats is ‘Mr WEBER Manfred‘ (this link shows sample data which is small enough for GitHub to visualize :D). A quick search shows that he also holds the titles of ‘Substitute’ on the ‘Committee on Constitutional Affairs’ and is ‘Member’ of the ‘Conference of Presidents’.
Some fun facts. Mr CORRAO Ignazio and Mr CASTALDO Fabio Massimo hold the most titles, 12 of them each. The table below shows the EU institutions with the most job titles:
# of job titles | EU institution |
32115 | European Commission |
5717 | European Parliament |
1905 | COR — Committee of the Regions |
1882 | Council of the European Union |
1343 | EESC — European Economic and Social Committee |
916 | Agencies and other bodies |
396 | CURIA — Court of Justice of the European Union |
268 | EEAS — European External Action Service |
222 | EIB — European Investment Bank |
213 | ECA — European Court of Auditors |
161 | ECB — European Central Bank |
54 | EDPS — European Data Protection Supervisor |
48 | European Council |
37 | European Ombudsman |
2 | EIF — European Investment Fund |
What’s next?
You can also have a look at previous datablogs on EU’s financial data and EU decision-making. So, if you’re building a tool or app that uses open data that aims to help make the EU more transparent, please submit your app for the App Competition.